LNUG is run and organised by London developers. Our commitment is to represent London's diverse community, to welcome the wider global node.js community to our busy city, and to provide a platform for node.js developers - local rising stars, newbies and experts alike - to share their expertise, to network, and spark new ideas and opportunities.

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LNUG #105 July 2024: Type-safe app configuration and an AI CLI

šŸ—“ Wednesday, 31 July 2024

šŸ¢ Cloudflare County Hall, Belvedere Rd, London SE1 7GP

Type-safe app configuration: a powerful, emerging way to accelerate product development

Miraan Tabrez

(@miraan_tabrez )

Everyone has heard of feature flags: boolean switches in your code that you can flip at runtime for different users, environments, etc. But they are just one part of a much broader best practice called ā€œapplication configurationā€. Big tech companies like Meta and Google have internal tools for structured, type-safe app configuration that help them accelerate development of products and backend services. This talk dives into what app configuration is and how it can empower your whole team to move faster, including your nontechnical colleagues.

Miraan is the founder at Hypertune. He was previously at Meta where he led teams across frontend, mobile, backend and machine learning.

Lessons Learned Building an AI CLI in 2024

Akash Joshi

(@thewritingdev )

How is an AI-powered CLI which allows you to confidently write complex commands and queries in your CLI. This talk goes into how "How" was built, talking about the no-build CLI deployment process, type-safety, cross-OS compatibility, and more!

I'm a software engineer at RocketConnect, like to host meetups and write code in my spare time and also run!

This event's hosts: Cloudflare

County Hall, Belvedere Rd, London SE1 7GP

Deploy serverless code instantly across the globe to give it exceptional performance, reliability, and scale.

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LNUG has been organising node.js meetups since 2011. We have recorded most of the talks, which are available on the LNUG YouTube Channel

You can pick a talk from the thumbnails below, or read more detail on the talks archive page.

London Node User Group - Community Projects - May 2023 Destroying Client-Server Barriers using TypeScript  -  Akash Joshi - May 2023 Fastify - Fast web framework with batteries attached & amazing TypeScript support  -  Mike Borozdin - April 2023 Creating best-in-class developer experience for your SDKs -  Allen Helton - April 2023 JavaScript Runtimes on AWS Lambda - Boris Tane Skip the CRUD: Rapid API development with Platformatic DB and Fastify - Simon Plenderleith How to develop an emergency website using Prisma2 ORM, NodeJS, NextJS and deploy it in heroku & Zeit Under-the-hood of web bundlers - Craig Taub LNUG June 2020 Writing A CPU Intensive Node.js Server With Worker Threads API - Tamar Twena Stern  (LNUG May 2020) 11 years of Node: Letā€™s have an honest conversation - Anna Henningsen (LNUG May 2020) How to write a DevOps friendly Node application -  David Gonzalez  (LNUG May 2020) Bernard Baker - Authentication && Serverless && Node - LNUG #93 - March 2020 - The Remote Edition Thomas Schoffelen - Transactional emails at scaleĀ LNUG #93 - March 2020 - The Remote Edition The mergence of Graphql and Serverless Coronavirus News A Practical Guide for Building Alexa Skills QEWD-JSdb: It's a Database, Jim, but not as we know it! - Rob Tweed at LNUG, Jan 2020 Introducing Bangle JS The Node Watch - admataz at LNUG - Jan 2020 A hundred players - multiplayer simultaneous game in node.js (@admataz) Step aside chat ops, Bat Ops is the future. (@star_suit) Hew Ingram (@hewIngram ): Lucas Fernandes da Costa (@lucasfcosta): Diogo (@diogofcunha): Enrique Lacal (@EnriqueL8) : Beth Griggs (@BethGriggs) : Transformational Operations   September 2019 Managing Multiple NPM Modules in a Single Repo   September 2019 Security in Node JS   - Forbes Lindesay- August 2019 1 Indie Hacking with Postgraphile  Thomas Ankcorn  August 2019 Robots and Food   London Node User Group - June 2019 Preoccupy the User's Tab   London Node User Group   June 2019 Using ML in NodeJS - LNUG July 2019 Create your own state management library - LNUG July 2019 Native implementation of curl in node   LNUG   May 2019 From Zero To Prod in 2 Minutes   LNUG   May 2019 Build Your Own WebAssembly Compiler   LNUG April 2019 Bootstrapping a Startup with SailsJS   LNUG April 2019 When You Assume You Make An Error Out of You and Me - Gabrielle von Koss Testing Apps with Third Party Integrations - Mike Solomon Simons Hot Tip - Automating with Apple Shortcuts. LNUG February 2019 Async Iterators  -Jamie McCrindle Building Cross Platform apps with Titanium -  Rene Pot TypeScript It's time to migrate  - Marco Talento Sean M Tracey - Bottomless hard drives w. Node.js, FUSE & Object Storage (lighting talk) James Porter - MobX State Tree is better than Redux (lightning talk) Errietta Kostala - Build APIs with node, Lambda & Serverless Shane Osbourne - Web Assembly and the future of the Web Large-scale refactoring with codemods - London Node User Group 2018 ECMAScript Modules: They're Coming...London Node User Group Dockerising JavaScript Applications   London Node User Group   October 2018 Create and Deploy Cloud Native Node js Applications   London Node User Group   October 2018 Building an Alexa Skill in 20 minutes using Node js   London Node User Group   October 2018 Intro to GraphQL A Journey with GraphQL in Production GraphQL on the Edge - Sevki Hasirci Bubbleprof - A new way to profile Node.js - David Mark Clements Zero Knowledge Proofs in Node.JS - Federico Rampazzo http4js  A Whirlwind Tour - Tom Shacham Stephen Young - Managing cloud resources in a distributed and fault-tolerant manner Expressless 200 OK - Eran Keren London Node User Group  May 2018 Simon's Hot Tip   London Node User Group May 2018 Objection.js a SQL ORM - Paul Jensen  London Node User Group May 2018 End to End Testing Single Page Appsā€¦ with Cucumberjs and Puppeteer - Paul Jensen A Hobbyist's Quest for a Personal Server - Salman FF -  LNUG April 2018 Serverless in Production An Experience Report - Yan Cui & Scott Smethurst - LNUG   March 2018 1 My Node.js Process is on Fire  - Matteo Collina -  LNUG   March 18 Internal Server Error Horror Stories about APIs and the Browser - Claudia Matosa - LNUG March 18 Hot Tips Lightning Talk  LNUG   March 18 Classical Inheritance in Javascript - Thanasis Polychronakis -  LNUG  February 2018 Cultivating a Microservice Culture with Node.js   - Oliver Rumbelow - LNUG    February 18 Naval Saini - My Experiments with Chess lazlojuly - Unit Testing Is Life! David Scheiner -  Moving on From Mongoose  How a Great Thing Finally Cornered Us Paul Jensen - Creating PowerPoint Files with Officegen and Node.js Using the Traverse module - Lightning Talk - Rob Tweed Taking LNUG Offline - Simon McManus Console Logging Lightning Talk - Simon Legg Binary Respository and Node Streams - Matt Forrester Building an Electron Application with NodeJS - Bernard Baker Node powered static sites with React/GraphQL in minutes - Lightning Talk - James Porter Nesquirk  Hapi + Nes + MiniMongo for gloryful reactive apps - Alan Shaw Having Your Node js Cake and Eating It Too  - Rob Tweed Scraping With Node.js and a bit of Golang Streaming from accelerometer to webaudio with Node.js and a Tessel - Lightning Talk - Adam Davis Ever Written Command Line Scripts in Node.js -  Lighting Talk - Rob Tweed Building Search in a Week ish   Lightning Talk - Andrew Clarke Arrow Functions Lightning Talk - Simon Legg Do not yield to javascript generators! - Bruno Godefroy Node microservices at Pizza Hut - Anna Doubkova Rapid Web Development with Huncwot & Marko - Zaiste Don't Let Just Node.js Take the Blame! - Daniel Khan knock-knock-who-there-file-compression-talk_FINAL_2.tar.trz.bz2.gz - Irina Shestak Trading cryptocurrencies, forex, commodities stocks and more using node.js From LNUG presentation to published book - Paul Jensen Speeding up CI with node and docker - Will Munn Automatically Build and Publish Node and Electron Applications for Linux - Martin Wimpress JSONata  A Declarative Syntax for Querying Your JSON Data - Andrew Coleman How Bionode io Uses Node JS Streams to Handle Genomic Big Data - Bruno Vieira Fullstack Integration Testing That Doesn't Suck - Artem Avetisyan Serverless and You - Marcel Cutts Our Future Is in Little Hands - Tony Yates Promises & Generators in Node js - Ben August Modelling with Pencils and JavaScript - Jonny Arnold Minecraft in VR in 30 Lines of Javascript - James Porter A year with AWS by Clarkie Native app tips to save your sanity by Andy Trevorah GraphQL: an API convention that you will actually follow by Clement Hannicq Readable Microservices, with Functional Programming by James Chow Keep Calm and Curry On by Andreas MƘller How to Build a REST API by Laszlo Gyulai The Fundamentals of Flow in 10 ish Minutes by Alex Booker Null Can't Hurt You Anymore by Stefano Vozza Quick Wins with Node and Google AMP by Mike MacCana Ace JavaScript Interviews: Scoping and Hoisting by Fox Reymann Ive got swagger, have you? by Tanzim Husain Event Driven Archtecture by Loic No SQL Is A Lie Mar 2016   Rethink DB Mar 2016   AWS Lambda Phil Nash - 2FA, WTF Oliver Rumbelow - NodeJS Supercomputing Hugo Di Francesco - Going Cross-Platform With React Oliver Rumbelow - Blowing out the LAMP Mike Maccana - Deploying and running Node apps in 2015 Max Duluc - Liwe, an open source remote control for WebApps Mikeal Rogers - Node Foundation Q&A Dan Sofer - Founders & Coders Joe Nash - Insert Token: Immersive UX with Tokenization Ben Hall - Scaling Node.js using Docker FĆ”bio Santos - A javascript to c++ transpiler! Matt Forrester - MVP Diagrams that can do things Tomasz Janczuk - Rethinking backend with webtasks [Bad Audio] Dan Jenkins - WebRTC Reborn Tim Perry - TypeScript will finally bring peace to your troubled soul Tom Gallacher - White Water Streams Milo Mordaunt - Flux to Redux, Thinking with Data Alistair Stead - Full-stack BDD and its side effects Matteo Figus - OpenComponents as microservices in the front-end world Alan Shaw -  Super simple service health monitoring with upmon James Allardice - Writing and publishing ES2015 today Simon McManus - Progressive Enhancement Strategies Markus Padourek - Benefits of using Convention over Configuration Alex Potsides - Guvnor: running your processes like a boss Ross Kukulinski - Building a SaaS with NodeJS, Docker, and CoreOS Tim Perry - Web Components & Microservices Are The Same Thing Florian Motlik - Flo Servers are dead, long live the service Ross Kukulinski - What to expect when expecting io.js Francisco Ferreira - Javascript Craftmanship Luke Bond - Paz: a simple Docker PaaS written in Node.js Forbes Lindesay - Everything you didn't know to ask about jade Dan Hough - I'm a node module maintainer (And so can you!) Ben Hall - Node Anti-patterns James Halliday (Substack) - Data Wizzard Philipp Fehre - JSON throughout the Stack